Why does the richest nation in the world have so many in poverty? without health insurance?
Why do human beings....the most amazing, wonderful, and beautiful creature in our know universe...why we enjoy watching other humans get shot, raped, blown apart, killed, murdered, hacked, and mutilated?
Oh, we don't enjoy that you say? Take a look at the top games for the PS2, XBox, and PC. They're mostly first person shooters. War games where it's fun, exciting and entertaining to go around shooting and blowing up fake people, that keep getting more real and "life-like" in their death. Also, take a look at the catch-phrases used to advertise for these games:
- "Psychiatrists say it is important to feel something when you kill. Feel the sensation. Feel the vibration. Feel the mutilation."
- "Join a biker gang and carry out malicious mischief."
- "Love thyself and plunder thy neighbor."
- "Meet people from all over the world, then kill them"
- "More fun than shooting your neighbor's cat"
- "As easy as killing babies with axes"
Some of the top grossing movies have included extreme amounts of horrific graphic details of humans doing the sickest things to each other.
And we enjoy this.
We give them Grammys, and the actors Oscars, we buy the DVDs and invite our friends over to watch and talk about how real the opening scene in Saving Private Ryan is.
Why do humans do this? Why do we relish and find entertainment in watching us kill each other? Isn't it enough that that's what we do in real life...every single day?
Action, horror, killing and violent movies are rated PG-13 and up. Although even some PG-13 movies are pretty violent...and our children watch them. Played Call of Duty lately? Games are increasingly accurate in their portryal of violence, blood, and gore...almost always done against other people.
Yet, if we are to show nudity on tv, or catch our children masturbating, we shame them, and hide from them part of what makes us all so beautiful: our bodies. Rape and sexual assult/molestation is rampant in this culture. I wonder why.
Could it be because we represe ourselves sexually, while doing nothing but fill our advertising and entertainment outlets with sexual titilation? And when part of a breast is seen during a halftime show..a woman's breast...that gives a child life through nourishing milk...people are outraged!! And pissed and upset..where's our morals and family values they shout!!
When did humans become so backwards and twisted around? Where is the love? The compassion and understanding?
Why do we enjoy killing ourselves?
Damn! Does anybody else READ? You have some valid points and I really like the way you think. Too bad this site is filled with spammers.
Wow - only one "real" comment. It's a pity, because what you point out is all too true and very well stated.
I think that this problem, while maybe not unique to the US, is particularly bad here. We begin priming our children for violence very young here. Look at the cartoons they watch. From the Roadrunner and Bugs Bunny, to the Power Rangers and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Even if they're fighting for "good" the message is that you gotta kick some a$$ if you want to get your way. Then we have the nerve to wonder why our children bully one another and why, when those who are bullied can no longer take it, they can come up with no better plan to dealing with life than going on a mass murder shooting spree. Of course that's what they do. They have been taught that violence is effective.
We need a major culture shift here! Keep ranting. We can't afford another Virginia Tech or Columbine disaster... and our children, our future, deserve so much better.
I think the main answer to your question, although quite disturbing, is rather simple:
People just don't care. Everyone is too wrapped up in themselves and the luxuries/material items to care about anyone or anything around them. People perpetuate abuse, violence, neglect, repression, and ignorance because it is easier to let all be as is, than fight to change it. Most people aren't willing to see the violence surrounding them, and if they don't see it, why would they feel the need to change it? Ignorance is bliss not just in our country, but around the world.
The outrage and passion you show are heartfelt, but require energy from you. Energy to think it, say it, and feel it. People can't find the energy to cook dinner and eat it with their family, or ask their children about their day. When would they find the energy to care about anything but themselves and having the newest, biggest, best items on the market?
As horrible as this is - it surrounds us. And although I agree with you 100%, I do not know how to go about fixing it or provide you any advice on dealing with the stupidity surrounding us.
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