We're facing one of the biggest, most threatening disasters ever, and this is how we deal with it.
Maybe the issue hasn't been framed correctly by most of the media; like this feature here.
Headlines should be: Save Homo Sapiens or The Last of the Humans? Maybe that will wake people up.
The planet will be fine. It will recover and new life will flourish eventually. It's us...humans...that are in serious danger and need saving. Mother nature will adapt and overcome but we keep treating this as if we are the benevolent, caretakers who had nothing to do with the soiling of our own bed. Slowly that mindset is changing - but not as fast as the weather.
Ok, let me get this straight...
These are good:
- $8 Million for a Congressional gym
- $ 10 Million for a road in Florida from a congressman in Alaska
- a $ 4,400 per year raise for Congress this year
- an increase of almost $40 billion over current levels in the Pentagon budget
- fixing bridges - "an estimated 160,000 bridges have been judged to be “structurally deficient or functionally obsolete” by the American Society of Civil Engineers" here
- full educational benefits for returning vets
(If there's no one to compare yourself to, you ARE great!) Study this.
If our democracy is so great and wonderful, why don't we just give it to the Iraqi's? We didn't let them decide whether or not we invaded their country, so why let them decide what kind of constitution they should have? Force them to use ours. A good point made here. Then again, why give them something we're destroying? That's here.
And I haven't seen this very many places either.
And please, once and for all, quit the lies about the "invisible hand" of the free market. It just ain't so. That's here.
MSNBC is the new FOX. Downhill baby, downhill... here.
"There's not a global war on terror," Romney said. Good thing Bush and Co. haven't been repeating this mantra for years...oh wait....