Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Through Which Lens?

It was reported here today that, "...some recent breakthroughs in Iraq were down to luck, and quoted an unnamed US official as likening the situation to "three dimensional chess in the dark while someone is shooting at you.""

So, in other words, we really have no idea what the the hell is going on in Iraq. We just keep on trying to pretend we do.

Couple this with reports here about thousands of weapons missing and unaccounted for as well as the breakdown of elementary necessities of civilized life, and one has to wonder if this isn't all planned.

I think it only proves this theory when you add in the fact that we're selling advanced weaponry to countries in the Middle East, here. Who is going to attack, let alone prevail, against the most lethal killing machine on the planet...ever?

No one.

Unless we give them the weapons with which to fight us. And that keeps the military-industrial complex making bank, which gives us more weapons, which we sell to nations around the world, which use them to attack us, which allows us to declare war on them, which keeps the military-industrial complex making more weapons, which we sell to nations around the world....

I can't help but think of the scene from Fahrenheit 9/11 where Blaine Ober, the president of a company that makes armored vehicles, said, "Unfortunately, at least for the near term, we think it's going to be a good situation. Er, a dangerous situation. Good for business, bad for the people."

Maybe when the evidence from Iraq is viewed through a lens of how we think it should be going, it looks like a complete mess. Maybe when the evidence from Iraq is viewed through a lens of global hegemony (the largest embassy in the world - ever) and fossil fuel acquisition, ...well, maybe it looks like things are coming together nicely. Most media agree, here.

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